Prudential Kovack Realtors Medical What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty is a term that’s used to refer to any type of surgical procedure that changes the shape or function of the noise. Many people who wonder what is rhinoplasty surgery may be wondering what this procedure entails.

Rhinoplasty can be done for a variety of reasons. Medical reasons are common for people who have difficulty breathing through their nose. It can also be used to correct any disfigurement that’s caused by a birth defect or trauma.

This procedure may also be done for cosmetic reasons. People who have noses that are large or misshapen in some way may choose to have this procedure done.

Meeting with a Surgeon

Before having this procedure done, it’s important to meet with a surgeon to discuss the surgery. A cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon will have to perform a thorough evaluation of the nose in addition to other facial features. After an evaluation, the surgeon will discuss what changes a person wants to make and if those surgical corrections are possible.

The surgeon will also consider a person’s overall health. Some people may be at higher risk for complications and these factors will be discussed at a consultation. Expect to receive information about the risks of surgery, recovery time, and the cost of having rhinoplasty performed.

The consultation will also involve an explanation of the technique used for reshaping the nose. The nose is a fairly complex organ that’s comprised of bone and cartilage. A rhinoplasty can modify cartilage, bone, skin, or all of these features. Review the procedure that will be performed before deciding on this surgical intervention.

What to Expect

Everyone who undergoes a rhinoplasty will be given anesthesia. In some cases, a surgeon will use local anesthesia with sedation. This will have a sedating effect although people are usually slightly awake during the procedure. General anesthesia is a deeper sleep and will be given through an IV line or by inhalation. It will affect the entire body and will cause complete unconsciousness.

Since a rhinoplasty is individualized for each person, there is not one series of steps. Each operation is unique and customized for a person’s anatomy and goals. The surgical procedure may be done inside the nose or the surgeon may make an external incision at the bottom of the nose.

Depending on the structural changes, the surgeon may augment the nasal bone or cartilage in a variety of ways. If the surgeon needs to add additional material to the structure of the hose, they may use cartilage from other parts of the nose or even cartilage taken from the ear. For larger areas, a surgeon may take cartilage from a rib or use implants.

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery

This overview provides a general idea of what rhinoplasty surgery involves and why a person may choose to have this surgery. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to discuss the surgery with a doctor thoroughly beforehand. Rhinoplasty is not a one-size-fits-all approach and will need to be tailored to each person’s anatomy and their goals of surgery.

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Informative And Educative Details About Rhinoplasty Recovery TimeInformative And Educative Details About Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

While planning to undergo a rhinoplasty surgery it is always important to know the rhinoplasty recovery time. This is mainly because the recovery time depends on different factors. It is also paramount to consider your occupation to make sure you will have enough time to recover properly. People whose jobs depend on how they look such as models should ensure that they go for this surgery about two to three months before they can go back to modeling. This is mainly because the surgery leaves small bruises on the nose and this can hinder such people from modeling properly. But people in most other careers can even be able to go back to work after just a week since this surgery needs a short time to heal. Doctors recommend a minimum of two weeks but in case one must go back to work or school one week can be enough. The main reason why one week is the minimum rhinoplasty recovery time is that in the first seven days it will be necessary to wear a cast on the nose. One will also need to place a piece of gauze under the nose which will be taped to catch any excess fluid or blood. Furthermore, in the first seven days there will be some discomfort and you will feel clogged. The bruises, swelling and scars will also be very visible where they need time to heal. Because of these reasons one needs to rest during the first seven days until the cast is removed and the discomfort reduces. As outlined a person who really need to go back to work or school can go back after the cast is removed. But waiting until after the second week makes it more comfortable to work or go to school. This is because in the second week the discomfort will reduce significantly and the swelling will improve. The bruises will also be less visible and one can even hide them using makeup. These are the main reasons why doctors encourage people to wait for two weeks before going back to work or school. Even after the two weeks only people who do not engage in vigorous activities can go back to work. People whose jobs require a lot of physical contact are supposed to wait longer until they heal properly. It is also advisable to take pain medication from the first day of recovery because they help in reducing any form of pain. One should also not blow the nose until it has healed properly. The doctor will provide advice on the foods one needs to avoid in the first two weeks because there are foods which increases blood flow and such foods can reduce the recovery time. There are certain things which reduce the recovery time significantly. Such things include sleeping in a way that the nose will not come into contact with any part of the bed or bedding at night especially in the first two weeks. One should also protect the nose from direct sun while outdoors. By taking care of the nose properly all the discomforts and signs of bruises will have disappeared within three months after the surgery. Within twelve months after the surgery the nose will have taken shape. Therefore, the rhinoplasty recovery time for people who need to go back to light work is between one and two weeks. But for people who participate in vigorous activities it might take several months to be able to engage in the vigorous activities. For more information, visit: -

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Myth: Bleeding Gums are Not a Problem

Fact: In some cases, bleeding gums are a sign that you have brushed too hard. However, this can be a sign of gum disease. That is why if your gums are bleeding, then you will need to see a local dentist as soon as possible. Gum disease can be treated easily if it is caught in the early stages.

Myth: Fruit Juice is Good for Your Teeth

Fact: Fruit juice is filled with vitamins. However, it is not good for your teeth. In fact, fruit juice can be just as bad for your teeth as sodas. It is better for you to eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.

Myth: A Knocked-out Tooth is Lost Forever

Fact: It is possible to save a knocked-out tooth. However, quick action has to be taken. Putting milk in a tooth can save it. You can also save the tooth back in its original socket. The sooner you get to the dentist, the sooner your top rated dentist can reattach it.

Myth: Medications Have no Effect on Oral Health

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